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Excellence through Diversity!

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Welcome to Nordic Diversity Trainers

We are celebrating our five year anniversary since our launch!

Watch the video here:

Would you like to upgrade your performance by up to 35%? Do you wish to update and widen your reach and talent pool? Do you need to answer to an acute crisis? We will show you how to use it as an opportunity for growth. Update your staff and structures according to your values and make sure your performance benefits of the possibilities of diversity. Tackle bullying and want to know how to react to racist incidents.

From team-building to stakeholder relations, we are here to partner with you!

You can find our online courses in Finnish language here:

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Our programs are created by diverse teams, focused on diversity and sustainable growth  during transformation towards equity and equality.

Susheela was an absolute pleasure to work with. Her empathy towards the less fortunate, her passion to give them a voice and to speak out against injustice was inspiring. A remarkable leader who has a lot to offer to the world.
— - Shah Lalon Amin, Director, United Aid Network, London”

Are you ready?

Our Roadmap with you:

  • Our Diversity Seminars, Respect Classes and Guardian Angel Workshops are ready made concepts standing by.

  • Due to our experience, focus and organization, we are in a unique position to offer you the best solutions and programs.

  • We are ready to go every step with you and make sure of your progress and get you the results you need.

Christian Thibault has a meticulous view on the structures and dynamics of organizations. He knows how to reach people and how to move them.
— Prof. Dr. jur. Julia Zinsmeister , Chairman of the Joint Audit Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences. Cologne University of Technology

Our programs are created by diverse teams, focussed on diversity and connected to the grassroots.

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We support you in evaluating your needs and to improve on your situation. The elements of our programs can be arranged accordingly.

Due to our experience, focus and organisation, we are in a unique position to offer you the best solutions and programs. We invite you to benefit of our long experience in working with government, business and organisations.


Diversity is the key factor to success on every level. Everything starts with the head!


We provide you with unmatched and true expertise!


"The professionalism and sensitivity of the Nordic Diversity Trainers team was impressive.
We benefitted already during the time of the evaluation and the trainings for staff and leadership.

The recommendations will guide us to future competitive advantage and we will be happy to continue working with Nordic Diversity Trainers. " - Laskit Oy


Ask more about our workshops, seminars, speakers, facilitators and interventions at: / +358445636067


Organisations with more diversity than average are ahead of others by a staggering 30-35%

Employees diversity and different approach supports economic growth. Thus D&I efforts are extremely awarding.

The return on investment for Consulting on Diversity and Inclusion is at 100%. Diversity in business and employment also promotes equal opportunities in society, everyone will benefit.

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Find out about our services and training packages and how we can partner with you for your sustainable development! You can also book speakers, facilitators, mediators, event planning and diversity experts through us!