Nordic Diversity Forum 2020, proudly presenting our speakers: Kitimbwa Sabuni
“Nordic Diversity Forum 2020” aims to update business, human resource and political leaders on all things diversity.
Your time is valuable to us and we aim to give you the full and balanced picture in just one day. Our speakers are experts from the fields of business, sports, activism and politics to make sure to shed light on the topic from every angle and provide you with a complete and deeper understanding, so you will be ready to lead the field.
Introducing: Kitimbwa Sabuni
Topic: ”Multiculturisms promise of happiness‘”
Kitimbwa Sabuni is the leader of the “Vidga Normen – Extend the Standards” program at the County Administrative Board of Stockholm, Sweden. He is also the chairperson of the Afro-Swedish Organisation “AfroSvenskarna”, as well as a writer and public speaker.
The Afroswedish National Organisation (Afrosvenskarnas riksorganisation, ASR) is a non for profit organisation. The association, which was established in 1990, is religiously and politically unattached and attempts to cover all of Sweden geographically. The Organisation's purpose is to promote the equal rights and social wellbeing of people of African descent living in Sweden. The organization is part of a worldwide network of African organizations, runs projects all over Sweden and is an advisor to the Swedish Government.
Kitimbwa Sabunis project at the County Administrative Board of Stockholm is financed by the European Social Fund and aims to promote Stockholm as a growing region, which is able to attract and include diverse talent. For this Kitimbwa Sabuni is working with eight different regional employers in order to find ways to increase competency in inclusion.
In the beginning of 2019 he published the handbook “ (White, Black or Brown – Handbook for Positive Measures in Relation to Skin Colour). The handbook is aimed at Swedish employers to help them fulfill their obligation under the Discrimination act to Implement Positive Measures related to skin colour. It is also a resource for anyone who wants to promote proactive organizational and educational steps for leadership to take in order to embrace diversity in employment.